HV Community Ultimate Frisbee
Our community ultimate games allow kids, youth and adults to play together in a fun and safe atmosphere. We modify rules to provide even matchups but we always maintain the spirit of the game. See below for details on games, times and locations.
1. New Paltz Youth Center ("NPYP")
Pickup ultimate for middle schoolers, high schoolers and parents-
Warm-up and tossing at 4:30pm,
Games start at 5:00pm
Field behind NPYP
Organizers - Wilkin & Heather Lai
​Email wilkin@ccservicenetwork.org or
text (313) 525-1255 for more info
or to join the text list
Times/days subject to change due to rain or scheduling (announced via text list & NYPY email newsletter)
2. Rockland Family
Pickup for parents, kids, youth-
Sundays, typically play at 3pm,
scheduled in What’s App
Football turf field Clarkton North HS, New City
Organizers - Christina Young & Stephanie Fuentes
​Join our What's App
3. New Paltz Family Ultimate
- Pickup for parents, kids, youth, anyone in the community-
all skill levels welcome
Times - TBA
Lenape Elementary school, field by the playground New Paltz
Organizers - Kim Tischler, Tony Leonardo & Wilkin Lai
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